Friday, September 10, 2010

Fabulous Finds Friday....

So, I don't have anything super "fabulous" for my find this week, but I am pretty excited about it. Those of you who know me know I am a HUGE fan of Charlotte's YMCAs. I just recently found out that they do a FREE parents night out...usually once a month at 10 of the metro area YMCAs. Of course it was completely booked when I decided to sign my little chicklets up, but I will definately be on the look out for the next one! SO, if you are a Y member...take advantage of that, just think- a meal that could consist of more than mac n cheese, spilt milk, and endless conversations about bodily functions! SIGN ME UP!

Have a FAB-U-LOUS Friday ya'll! :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Is it really September already??? I have NO idea where August went...or the rest of the summer for that matter!

Let's see, August was filled with pool time, a birthday, my fabulous trip to the Emmy's in L.A, and lots of other fun stuff! It just seemed like August was so busy. I was looking over my September calendar this past weekend and realized this isn't going to be a slow month for the Wilsons either. Between Siena's preschool and dance lessons, my co-leading the Charlotte Film Community, Adam running two businesses and coaching a youth football league, and our intent to be more involved in our church's looking like it will be a very busy fall!

I LOVE this time of year! I start getting excited now about all the "fallish" things I get to cook and go do now. For some reason I just cannot bring myself to cook anything pumpkin flavored until at LEAST September...just doesn't seem right. I can't wait to take the kids to an apple orchard again this year and come back and make homemade applesauce. I love getting to take them to the pumpkin patch and seeing what beauties they pick out for us to carve. I will just stop there....if I keep daydreaming about this time of year I will be getting out the Christmas Cd's before you know it!

One of these days I will figure out how to post pictures in a post and that would make these a whole lot more interesting!